There will be seven Pre-Congress Symposiums taking place on Thursday 16 June 2022 and these will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
All symposiums are full day programs and will commence at 10am and conclude at approximately 4pm. Numbers are limited for each symposium so register early to avoid disappointment.
Please click on the symposiums below to read more details.
Gynaecological Cancer Nursing: Strong, skilled and specialised
Emerging Leaders in Cancer Nursing
Stop the clot. Patency prevention and management
Caring for older people with cancer: core business for cancer nurses
CNP SPN Pathology and Prescribing Workshop (For SPN Members only)
Gynaecological Cancer Nursing: Strong, skilled and specialised
The Gyn SPN Pre-Congress Symposium is an opportunity for those working in the area of gynaeoncology to participate in professional development with a specialty focus. The educational content of the symposium will include both current and innovative models of care in the management of gynaecological cancer.
The speakers will inform attendees of current best practice and future directions to prepare them for the complexities of gynaeoncology care to come. Topics will include Cancer Australia’s work in gynaecological cancer, HIPEC and peritonectomy, Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, distress screening in gynaecological cancer, survivorship and unmet needs in ovarian cancer, the MOST trial, lifestyle behaviours in endometrial cancer, and gynaeoncology nursing guidelines for practice.
The learning objective of the symposium is to increase the knowledge of nurses working within the specialty of Gynaecological cancer in current and innovative models of care in the management of gynaecological cancer.
Click here to download the full program
Supported by:
Emerging Leaders in Cancer Nursing
This symposium introduces nurses to the concept of values based leadership. Participants will investigate different leadership styles and understand how authentic leadership builds credibility, respect and supports a positive culture. This symposium is designed to support nurses to explore their own personal values and leadership styles, to analyse their own leadership skills and, to learn strategies to further improve their capabilities.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this symposium, the participant will be able to;
- Explore personal qualities as they align with values based leadership
- Identify own leadership style and its application into practice
- Identify strategies that support development of personal leadership skills
- Apply leadership strategies to influence culture and changes in practice
- Consider techniques to effectively manage and influence quality of care
Radiation Therapy
The Radiation Oncology Nursing Special Practice Network (RON SPN) will host this symposium which welcomes all nurses to attend and network. Building on the congress theme of “Strong, Skilled and Specialised” specific topics will include conversations on sexuality issues as a result of radiation therapy; death and dying; and focused radiation
technologies and interventions.
Nurses in all areas of oncology nursing will be able to identify alternate ways to enhance their nursing practice when dealing with the broader, intimate nuances of the radiation-induced physical and psychological impacts on the cancer patient.
The RONSPN will introduce the national scoping survey of radiation oncology facilities and nursing staffing. There will also be a session aimed at the evidence underpinning the role of the generalist radiation oncology nurse through a chronological scoping review of the nursing literature.
Stop the clot. Patency prevention and management
Of the 150,000 Australians diagnosed with cancer in 2020, the majority will require the insertion of a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) at some point during their cancer treatment. Patients with cancer have the highest rates of CVAD complications and failure rates, ranging between 15-66%, and of these complications, occlusion is one of the most frequent complication. Of all members of the health care team, nurses are most frequently at the point of care for CVAD management therefore are a critical target for education to achieving optimal care and CVAD outcomes.
This workshop aims to focus on the pivotal aspect of CVAD management of patency, prevention and occlusion management; specifically flushing and locking evidence, implications for practice and occlusion management.
Learning objectives:
- To discuss prevention strategies and evidence including flushing practices and locking practices and solutions, anti-reflux practice and new technologies
- To discuss occlusion management including assessment, practice management algorithm and device preservation
- Knowledge translation; evidence into practice and policy
This workshop will be a mix of didactic and interactive sessions from Australian clinician researchers.
Click here to download the full program
Cancer Trials Workshop
Caring for older people with cancer: core business for cancer nurses
With the majority of people diagnosed with cancer being over the age of 65, caring for older people with cancer should be core business for cancer nurses. This symposium will provide cancer nurses with practical, evidence-based skills in the assessment and management of older people affected by cancer, as well as provide practical skills for nurses considering setting up a local geriatric oncology service.
This symposium includes three sessions:
- A master class of caring for the older person with cancer. Understanding impact of ageing, assessment, interpretation and beyond
This session will be an interactive session and will include valuable information from key nursing and allied health professionals about identifying geriatric syndromes – assessing risk using tools such as timed up and go and others
- Older people with cancer: current models of care and services around Australia
In this session, presenters will discuss different services and projects occurring around Australia designed to meet with unique needs of older people with cancer, including how they were implemented, what they offer, and how they are evaluated.
- Where to start when setting up a service to meet the unique needs of older people with cancer?
This session will be an interactive session about where to start in setting up a local geriatric oncology service. This session will include information about how to evaluate the local need for a geriatric oncology service, how to develop a business case, an evaluation plan, and where to find funding.
"Walking the walk, talking the talk and shaping the future" - Nurses overcoming the challenges in delivering optimal survivorship care
An interactive and future focused symposium placing nurses at the forefront of survivorship care.
With a lens on innovation in nurse led survivorship care, we consider ‘doing things differently’ shaping nurse led survivorship care to where it can be in 2 -5 years.
As well we target what can be achieved in the short term to deliver optimal patient centred survivorship care: through using current recommendations and evidence based approaches to support survivor self-management.
Delivered over 4 sessions by predominantly the Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC) team (other speakers to be determined)
Learning outcomes
- A focus on innovations in care and the future of nurse-led survivorship care delivery
- Overcoming challenges in delivering survivorship care
- Using best evidence and supports
- The role of nurses to identify unmet needs and customise survivorship care
- Confidence in when/ how initiate discussions about survivorship and common issues
- Understand key skills and principles to engage in a motivational interviewing way
CNSA CNP SPN Pathology and Prescribing Workshop
This one day workshop is being held in Brisbane and will be the CNP SPN's first face to face workshop since the beginning of COVID. The workshop will focus on assessment and management of common biochemistry abnormalities, management of acute and chronic nausea including prescribing of common and not so common antiemetics. This will be an interactive workshop designed to inform and challenge our CNP SPN members. This will also be a fantastic opportunity for new members and old to meet and network.
Speakers to be confirmed.
Click here to download the flyer.
Please note, this workshop is only available to CNSA CNP Members and registration must be completed via the CNSA member zone - click here to register