The presentations listed below are for all speakers/presenters who consented to publish their presentation on the congress website.
Please click on the session below to view the available presentations for that particular session.
Friday 17 June 2022
Plenary Session 1
Plenary Session 2
Concurrent 4 - Nurses Leading Change
Concurrent 5 - Hot Topics One
Concurrent 6 - Advanced Practice Nursing
Concurrent 9 - Hot Topics Two
Concurrent 10 - Regional Focus
Concurrent 11 - Consumer Voice
Saturday 18 June 2022
Plenary Session 3
Concurrent 14 - Hot Topics Three
Concurrent 15 - Models of Care
Concurrent 16 - Patient Centred Care
Concurrent 17 - Knowledge and Education
Friday 17 June 2022
David Stewart - Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health
Alison McMillan PSM - Applying our strength, skills and speciality to influence change and improve outcomes.
Natalie Bradford - Cancer Nursing Workforce
Sue Bartlett - The Oncology Nursing Expert Group – What Can Be Achieved When Cancer Nurses Come Together During a Pandemic and Lockdowns in Victoria
Natalie Bradford - Research Priorities of Australian Cancer Nurses: A national consensus initiative
Polly Dufton - Impact of extending SURC hours on emergency department presentations: A COVID response
Mei Krishnasamy - Exploring cancer consumers’ experiences of and preferences for e-health technologies
Georgina East - Extending Symptom Urgent Review Clinic (SURC) services in response to COVID 19 pandemic
Emily Larsen - Let’s get the conversation going! Development of an IV Passport to improve vascular access device planning and management.
Jenny Thresher - Implementing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Optimal Care Pathway Learning Package
Theresa Beane - Compassion Fatigue in an Oncology day unit setting: A nursing perspective - presentation pending publication
Zoe Feighan - Measuring up! A clinical audit of nephrotoxicity and Cisplatin administration to help meet the void in quantifiable data.
Thea Ogle - Occurrence and Perceived Effectiveness of Activities Used to Decrease Chemotherapy- Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms in the Feet
Emily O'Leary - Minimising hospital exposure for high-risk cancer patients requiring immunoglobulin replacement through nurse-led innovation in care
Danielle Roscoe - Audit and evaluation of immune related adverse events associated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for solid malignancies in a regional Victorian setting
Trish Calder - Outcomes of women at high familial risk for breast cancer: An 8 year single centre experience - presentation pending publication
Bethany Crowe - The Familial Breast Cancer Clinic: Improving the care of women at increased risk of hereditary breast cancer
Cheryl Prescott - Genomics Is Everyone’s Business: Meeting the needs of the nursing workforce (the beGIN Project)
Simone Ray - GP Cancer Support line, set up of new specialist cancer nurse operated service
Sue Bartlett - Commencing a Nurse Led Symptom & Urgent Review Clinic (SURC) during a Pandemic in a Victorian Regional Cancer Centre
Cassandra Moore - The Development of a Regional Neuroendocrine Tumour Specialist Clinic
Carolyn Meredith - Regional and rural nursing management of subcutaneous home chemotherapy administration
Erika Weinzierl - Innovations in the development and implementation of a Symptom and Urgent Review Clinic (SURC) to support cancer patients in Regional Victoria
Su Htet Htet Aung - The experiences and the support needs of caregivers of patients with head and neck cancer: Preliminary findings from a qualitative study
Holly Chung - What matters to patients: working with consumers to select Patient Reported Outcome Measures for a phase 2 multiple myeloma clinical trial
Kerry McKenzie - Exploring how peer support can be optimised for carers of cancer patients receiving palliative care
Brighid Scanlon - COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, acceptance, and informational needs among an Australian oncology population: a cross-sectional survey
Carli Shaw - One participant’s narrative in a grounded theory study exploring cancer patients’ cognitive impairment
Liesel Byrne - Implementation of the International Consensus Guideline for Anticancer Drug Dosing in Kidney Dysfunction into eviQ protocols
Meredith Cummins - Neuroendocrine Cancer Education Modules – Creating Greater Awareness & Knowledge for the Healthcare Community
Kath Quade - Virtual nurse Joanne: utilising audio-visual media for the delivery of cancer patient education in a pandemic
Polly Dufton - Feasibility of a nurse-led model of geriatric oncology assessment in the lung cancer care pathway
Helena Furdas -Lymphoma Clinical Nurse Consultant led pre-treatment assessment: the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital experience
Lacey Strachan - Initial results of the NEPTUNE project: a nurse- led outpatient follow-up program for myeloma patients treated with oral immune- modulatory drugs (IMiDS) at Eastern Health
Xue Wang - A nurse-led clinical pathway for patients with locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer receiving oral Cyclin-Dependent-Kinase 4/6 Inhibitors - presentation pending publication
Renee Doyle - Identifying the unmet supportive care needs of men affected by testicular cancer: An Integrative Systematic Review
Bronwyn Jennings - Treatment Care Plans in women with early-stage endometrial cancer: A pilot study to assess the acceptability of a nurse-led model of care
Hayley Russell - Sexual functioning after ovarian cancer: are women receiving the information and support they need?
Julie Sykes - Health professionals perception of the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse role
Clare Jeans - Building our Specialist Cancer Nursing Workforce
Kellie Jeffries - The evolution of training a skilled and specialised oncology nursing workforce in regional Victoria
Trevor Saunders - Building a career advancement framework for cancer nurses - presentation not available for publication
Gillian Turner - Cancer Nurses’ Research Knowledge: A cross-sectional survey